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Student Center

Nursing Students

Nursing students from pre-licensure to doctoral degrees, are a valued part of the CT Nurses Association (CNA).

CT Nurses' Association and American Nurses Association (ANA) respect the insights and contributions of students as the nurse leaders of tomorrow and are here to support your journey!

Pre-Licensure Students

become a ANA Student Subscriber

Graduate and Doctoral Students

become a CNA/ANA member

Legislative Alerts and Information

Advocacy Alerts and Legislative Blog

When nurses speak, Washington listens!  As the premier organization for all RNs, ANA brings nurses together to advance their careers and the profession through legislation and advocacy.  Get involved to learn the key issues facing nurses right now.  Also get access to ANA’s advocacy blog,

Member Only Digital Content

Access to member-only digital content on  Additionally, you’ll have access to the full suite of ANA digital publications such as American Nurse Today and ANA SmartBrief. As well as full ANA Position and Policy papers on important nursing issues, such as safe patient handling and the opioid epidemic.

 Welcome to The Profession Kit

The kit is a comprehensive collection of digital resources created specifically for you by fellow health professionals who have been in your position.

Developed especially for new nursing graduates and early career nurses, this digital kit is an online resource hub designed to help you find your first job, enhance your employability, and grow your nursing career.

Welcome to the Profession Kit