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2021 CT Data:  1,530 total overdose DEATHS

Ranked 9th amongst states for deaths per 100,000 persons

CDC 2023

2021 CT Data:  1,530 total overdose DEATHS

Ranked 9th amongst states for deaths per 100,000 persons

CDC 2023

75.7% that at least one potential opportunity for intervention

92.7% involved at least one opioid and 43.7% at least one stimulant. Fentanyl and Cocaine the most common.

31% Naloxone


What Can Nurses Do?

Since 2011 CT has passed many laws related to Opioids and Naloxone, learn more

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for 2023 Legislative Initiatives


Get trained, learn about Naloxone

Four Pillars Drug Strategy
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Enforcement
  • Harm Reduction

CT Clearinghouse

CT Center for Prevention Wellness and Recovery, Wheeler Clinic

Connecticut Clearinghouse is a statewide library and resource center for information on substance use and mental health disorders, prevention and health promotion, treatment and recovery, wellness and other related topics. Materials from our specialized library and resource center are available to Connecticut families, teachers, students, professionals, communities and children

Access to Naloxone and Training

What is Naoloxone

Naloxone is only effective on opioids (heroin, OxyContin, Vicodin, fentanyl, etc.) Persons given naloxone who have not overdosed on opioids will not be harmed. Persons dependent on opioids who are given naloxone will experience opioid withdrawal. In any overdose situation, 9-1-1 should be called and naloxone should be administered if opioids are involved or suspected to have been involved.

Download NORA: Naloxone + Overdose Resonse App (free, CT DPH)

This Connecticut DPH app uses NORA to prevent, treat, and report opioid overdose, It contains information about resources, legal protections, giving naloxone, signs of an overdose and more!

Get Trained and Spread the Word!

Clinicians play an important role in raising awareness about naloxone. Talk with your patients and their family, friends, and caregivers about the benefits of naloxone. Help reduce the stigma sometimes experienced with its use.

CDC Module Learning How to Talk to Families and Patients about Naoloxone

How to get Naloxone in CT

  • Your primary care provider/family doctor can give you a prescription for naloxone that can be filled at any CT pharmacy.
  • Any provider who is able to prescribe you an opioid can prescribe you naloxone.
  • Pharmacists in CT who have completed training to become certified can both prescribe and dispense naloxone.

Free Training and Naloxone for Health Professionals

CDC Fact Sheets and posters

Identifying Risks When Prescribing Opioids pdf icon[PDF]: This clinician fact sheet highlights factors that can put patients at higher risk for opioid-related harms notice.

Knowledge, Skills, and Resources

Pain, Opioids, Naloxone and more!

Knowledge, Skills, and Resources

Pain, Opiods, Naloxone and more!

Back on Track

60-second clip that highlights the risks of opioids and offers some nonopioid options for chronic pain management. Manage chronic pain, prevent opioid use disorder, and refer to the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain to minimize patient risk and save lives.

Risk Factors in Opioid Prescribing

This video (3.5 min) addresses the various risk factors likely to increase susceptibility to opioid-associated harms and suggests strategies for mitigating these risks.

Even When Prescribed by a Doctor

Informational, 1-minute-31-second video that raises awareness about prescription opioids among the general public. Some people might think prescription opioids are safer than alcohol or illegal drugs, but the truth is they carry serious risks and side effects. Talk with your doctor about your concerns and make informed decisions about pain management together.

Tapering Opioids for Chronic Pain

3.5 min clip describes when and how clinicians should initiate opioid tapering and outlines ways to support patients through the process. Lower dosages, tape or discontinue, provides tips for working with patients to meet their needs.

Tapering Opioids for Chronic Pain

3.5 min clip describes when and how clinicians should initiate opioid tapering and outlines ways to support patients through the process. Lower dosages, tape or discontinue, provides tips for working with patients to meet their needs.

Additional Resources

National data

Connecticut Data: Statewide Opioid Reporting Directives (SWORD) provides realtime information on overdoses, overdose deaths, and response.

CT EMS Statewide Opioid Reporting Directive : EMS must report any suspected opioid overdose case.

Connecticut Resources

Helpful Resources and Links

Department of Mental health and addiction services, to find services in your area

211 United Way Connection to State Resources to Address Opioid Substance Use Treatment Options

Preventing Opioid Overdose

The best way to prevent opioid overdose deaths are to improve prescribing, reduce exposure to opioids, prevent misuse, and treat opioid use disorder.

Create Resources and Strategies for your workplace.

Conversation Starters, include strategies for talking to patients about treatment for substance use disorders.

Conversation Starters: Communicate the benefits of naloxone to patients, their family members, friends, and caregivers.

    Additional Resources

    National data

    Connecticut Data: Statewide Opioid Reporting Directives (SWORD) provides realtime information on overdoses, overdose deaths, and response.

    CT EMS Statewide Opioid Reporting Directive : EMS must report any suspected opioid overdose case.

    Connecticut Resources

    Helpful Resources and Links

    Department of Mental health and addiction services, to find services in your area

    211 United Way Connection to State Resources to Address Opioid Substance Use Treatment Options

    Preventing Opioid Overdose

    The best way to prevent opioid overdose deaths are to improve prescribing, reduce exposure to opioids, prevent misuse, and treat opioid use disorder.

    Create Resources and Strategies for your workplace.

    Conversation Starters, include strategies for talking to patients about treatment for substance use disorders.

    Conversation Starters: Communicate the benefits of naloxone to paitents, their family members, friends, and caregivers.