Family Child Care Resources

Cold, Flu, & RSV
Colds, Flu, RSV....What can FCC Providers Do? (Presentation, 12/2022)
RSV when it's more than just a cold
Managing Infectious Disease
OEC Memo #6 Scroll down to Memo 6
CDC Symptom Checker - Are you Sick?
Caring for Our Children Online Database of Health and Safety Standards (Appendix K Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting schedule;Handwashing,,

Projects & Handouts (English)
Guide for family child care homes -(CT OEC, Esp. coming)
Frequently Asked Questions- (CT OEC)
COVID-19 health and safety signage/Posters (multiple topics, scroll down the page)
Connecticut department of Public Health COVID19 Case Report Link
Transition Tips Reopening Infant/Toddler programs
Projects &Handouts (Espanol)

Safe Cribs
Parents deserve to know that products made for babies are safe and free from harmful chemicals. #GettingReady4Baby surveyed 227 crib mattresses from 37 different brands to find out what materials are being disclosed.
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